Monday, March 13, 2006

non-performance art

If I lived in a condo/co-op and my monthly fees/maintenance payment were being spent on some whim of the board of directors (say, to patrol the tennis courts which I never wanted to build in the first place) and NOT being spent on the basic services (like lighting the crumbling paths from the decaying garage) which, according to the contract, were 'included'... if such happened, I'd get other residents together and we would sue the board for dereliction of duty (or we'd try).

Why can't several scores of millions of American citizens join in a class action suit against the administration for failure to perform (or some such legal sounding claim)? My tax dollars are supposed to go towards the generally agreed upon services of a civilized society - educating children, decent roads, whatever. Why do I risk imprisonment if I refuse to pay taxes which are going to finance things which provide nothing for ANYONE (let alone for me)? Haven't they committed some kind of fraud?! Can't we sue the crooks? If not, why not?


At Mon Jul 01, 09:25:00 PM EDT, Blogger clar said...

your blog is very interesting THANKS!!!


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