Friday, February 24, 2006

NRO has tips for network development folks

so i followed a link to the National Review Online "corner" and browsed a bit until i got to this:


Scott Galupo in the Washington Times dissects the disturbing absence of Hollywood movies and TV shows depicting the heroism of American troops in Afghanistan and Iraq. Why, for instance, has the amazing and tragic story of Pat Tillman not merited, at least, a cable TV biopic?

Interesting question. Assuming, of course, that he means that we not only celebrate Tillman's unquestionable sense of honor in quitting his NFL job to join the fight against the Taliban, but also our government's attempt to misrepresent the circumstances of his death (by friendly fire) for public relations purposes AND to stonewall his parenets when they tried to get accurate information. That's a movie-of-the-week I'd tune in to watch!


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