A better way for dems to criticize the UAE-gets-the-ports-in-exchange-for-god-knows-what deal going down is NOT to mention the president's/administration's failure in cutting this deal - that doesn't do any damage to the republicans who are jumping on the bandwagon. The better tact to take is that this is proof positive that they have been vastly overstating the "threats" if this is ok and, clearly, their relentless hysteria since 9/11 was simply useful cover under which to dismantle the federal government at the cost of liberty. All this, just in order to better position their investments. But, now that the bottom line would be best served by doing business with the enemy (funders of terror, suporters of the Taliban, etc), apparently the enemy is now our ally. All that other stuff we said before... nevermind.If the administration and Republicans who blindly supported it can be portrayed as the money-/power-grubbing hypocrites they are, as more and more people become increasingly pissed off by their actions (like the ports deal - which virtually no one considers to be good, for a multitude of reasons), the democrats would be able to demonstrate that they are, in fact different. and, for a platform, they could even endorse the resurrection of all the programs and regulatory policies which have been destroyed in the past five years.
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